Monday, August 08, 2005


plates and pillows and ottomans, oh my!

I was just on a trip with my mom to TJ Maxx. She was looking around for things for our dining room - my mom is in the process of re-papering it, therefore new decorations are in order. Knowing me and my lack of willpower, I left my wallet at home. I absolutely positively cannot afford to buy anything.

Once in the store, I started off in the clothes section, longingly trying on a pink corduroy jacket and then a light green fleece. Then I drifted to a section I had never before spent time in - the body lotion/perfume section. It was a gold mine of fun things. I sampled a wide variety of lotions....honey, almond, milk. I sprayed "hula girl" body spray, as well as lime and verbana body/linen spray. (body/linen. what the heck?) I became a pleasant cacophony (an oxymoron?) of smells.

I then spent a significant amount of time in the pocketbook section. My weakness. There were the little bags with the beautiful gold clasps and pretty blue satin linings. The bigger brown leather bags that would be good for a weekend or for going to work. The bag that made me think of E, because it had an opening at the bottom. Perfect for finding that license! And there was the hideous blue feather bag that I dragged all over the store to show my mom to give her a good laugh.

I finally found my mom in the section in which I least anticipated trouble. Housewares. Knick knacks. Plates. Stuff that ordinarily interests me, but doesn't light a fire in my bosom.

But oh. The plates were pretty - blue ones, green earthy looking ones, reddish swirly ones. And the decorations. With Italian and French influences, some were 5 inch high letters, spelling out words. And there were pillows! Suede ones! In deep purples, calm greens, rich browns. And ottomans! That held stuff on the inside, in addition to the noble purpose of propping up a weary foot. All perfect for decorating an apartment. The chicest, coolest, funnest apartment on the East Coast.

But, alas. No money. And no apartment to decorate. Each beautiful thing was a pain in my heart. I walked through thinking, "I can't wait to have a job and have money. I can't wait to have money."

I left TJ Maxx a determined girl. With God as my witness, with God as my witness - I will never be unemployed again!

I am a sucker for bags, too! I've lost count of how many litter my walk in closet! Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog, and I plan to visit yours again!
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