Monday, November 07, 2005
I'm hooked on a feeling

5, 4, 3, 2, 1....Kiss Me at Midnight!
Riding back from work today, I kept alternating between a straight face and a loony smile. Anyone seeing me struggling for seriousness may have thought, "Wow, she must have a great guy" or "she must have rocked that big presentation today."
Oh no my friends, it's something much simpler. I just listen to really embarrassing songs on my ipod. Songs that if other people could hear, they would laugh at me (and that's part of the pleasure). Leaving work I was in a neutral mood, focused on doing the whole commute thing. When "All by Myself" shuffled onto the scene, I let it be and was transported elsewhere. Listening to Jamie O'Neal's over-inflated pity party, I pictured Bridget Jones sitting on her sofa, an empty bottle of wine. Then I pictured me in a couple of hours, sitting in front of the TV, eating a stinky dinner, belting out my sorrows, with no one to hear but the crying babies next door.
But the "Getting into the music" feeling was transient and remained on the inside, the outside world had no idea what was playing in my ears. Then I heard the opening bars of "Holding out for a Hero" (the Shrek 2) and I knew that I was in for trouble. By the time "somewhere after midnight, in my wiilllldest fantasy" played, I was so tempted to just start dancing and prancing away. Instead I settled for speed walking up the escalator - it was a poor substitute. And when "If you Can't Dance" by the Spice Girls began, my neutral mood was entirely vanquished, I was the sixth undiscovered member of the British sensation.
My mood showed in my walk, I was clearly saying to the world "IF you can't dance, if you can't dance, if you can't dance to this, you can't do NOTHING for me baby." And one of these days, I'm not going to be able to help it, and I am going to make a fool out of myself.
Okay. I'm talking as if I haven't started singing along to my headphones. But that was just once, and it was like, 2 am, so no one was around. And it was a touching medley. And if anyone was listening, they would have been touched, and not amused. okay?!
*20 minutes later*
I've been making a "goofy commute" playlist, and this is going to be very dangerous to my cool, smooth professional image. A sampling: "hooked on a feeling" (neil diamond? really") "In His Kiss" by Cher, "Bananaphone" by Raffi, "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" by Whitney Houston, and "Just Died in Your Arms Tonight" by Journey.
Oh, and not to abruptly switch gears or anything, but just in case you are ever wondering what those red lights on the top of the Washington Monument look like from the inside (because you know you are), here you go!

and here's the view looking on to the can actually see our church and apartment building (kinda) in this picture.

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Hey Meg!!
I have to say...spice girls?! Nice view from your place.
Thanks for your comments, for the moving thing...I can honestly say I feel the exact same way as you but in reverse :)
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Hey Meg!!
I have to say...spice girls?! Nice view from your place.
Thanks for your comments, for the moving thing...I can honestly say I feel the exact same way as you but in reverse :)
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