Tuesday, May 02, 2006




From now on I will only wear sneakers while commuting. I can't take it anymore. My sandals are cute, but my feet look like they've been jabbed with the business end of a cigarette. Repeatedly.

What's hotter: a girl who looks stubby because she's wearing sneakers with a skirt, but is walking confidently and smiling


a girl who is wearing cute shoes, but is hobbling and tottering, has her hands balled into fists and is smushing her lips together to keep from screaming. (AKA me this morning.)

This isn't just a "how others think I look" thing - I enjoy wearing shoes that I think are fun, and cute, and add a certain pizazz to an outfit. I have a bit more swing in my stride when I feel good about how I look. But when that swing becomes a stumble, something has to be done.

Trust me, doll... When I see a girl, her shoes don't really enter the equation of total evaluation.

...unless they're clear-heeled shoes - in which case I know what she does for a living.
I love my clear-heeled shoes. They're surprisingly comfortable.

And in case you were wondering, I'm an editor...I don't usually wear them to work. :)
I-66: I can't believe that, and must think that you've only seen girls wearing cute shoes. In your entire lifetime. If girls are really the only ones that notice shoes, I'm investing in more sneakers.

66 + Mel: Clear-heeled shoes make me think of...traveling fish tanks.

Perhaps if I find a clear platform heeled pair, I could bring Major Tom to work with me?
Furthering what I-66 touched on, I've found the footwear a female wears, bears an indirect relationship with her personality (as shallow as this may sound, bear with me).

Sneaks or comfy shoes with a work outfit means "I don't care what anyone else thinks about me." Which can be good in that "independent woman" kinda way or bad in that "I'm lazy and don't really care about my appearance" kinda way.

Heels on the other hand mean one of two things: I'm professional to the core, or I'm a ho who's gonna sleep my way up the corporate ladder. Which can also be good or bad.

So basically...the shoes only touch the surface...how you carry yourself in said footwear will seal the deal.

Warning: This theory DOES NOT apply to Uggs.
Shoes speaketh to the sole.

Wombat Blahnik
JC: Seeing as how I'm an "independent woman"... I'm going to wear my Uggs on my commute tomorrow. SO TAKE THAT! :-)

Wombat: My soles are saying, "I hate life."

Well, come to think of it, my soles are the only parts unscathed. But I'm sure I can remedy that by walking home barefoot today.

Just Kidding. I'm taking a rickshaw.
a girl who is wearing cute shoes, but is hobbling and tottering, has her hands balled into fists and is smushing her lips together to keep from screaming. (AKA me this morning.)

I can so picture this.

Oh, I pay little attention to shoes but I am not really into those details. I would say that I would expect it to be totally irrelevant to post guys, but I can also see how it could be an issue.
I take major offense to the comment:

"Heels on the other hand mean one of two things: I'm professional to the core, or I'm a ho who's gonna sleep my way up the corporate ladder. Which can also be good or bad."

I am only 5'1" and wear heels every single day. I'm neither a ho or a professional trying to sleep my way up the ladder. I'm just short and happen to drive to work instead of public commuting, so my feet can afford the luxury of heels.
In all fairness, you're correct. I forgot to add a "I wear heels to pretend I'm something that I'm not" category. Thanks for the reminder.
Bub: to take a rickshaw? I don't recall you suggesting that...

Rem: glad I could draw a vivid picture of my pain :-)

CP: You're still a fighter - I'd never be able to wear the shoes you wear! Very hardcore.

JC: I wore Uggs today just for you. kiss kiss! ;-)
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