Tuesday, June 27, 2006


uteruses! (uterii?)

Alright, JC posted this as a comment:

And while I realize this is your blog, and we all appreciate your brutal honesty, I'd like to point out that ANYTHING that has to do with the female reproductive system is a guaranteed way to strike fear/paralysis/death into the heart of any male. In fact, I blacked out no less than three times just posting my replies to this...

Alright boys. How come? It's not as though you'll get me pregnant by commenting on my blog, so why the fear? I mean, yeah, I think the whole thing is totally gross. But is there another reason?

(and that said, I love the reaction that the whole thing garners. It's like a "get out of jail free" card.)

(and that said, sometimes cramps make me feel really sick. So while I love the reaction, I hate the cause.)

(and, I'm obviously immature. I wrote a whole posting without specifically saying what "the whole thing" actually is.)

"Alright boys. How come? It's not as though you'll get me pregnant by commenting on my blog, so why the fear?"

Maybe so, but haven't you ever heard of Blogually Transmitted Diseases?
i-66: for every person you blog with, you're blogging with everyone they've blogged with before.
and don't think I didn't notice that you didn't answer my question!
Gender wars have made this place comment city.
i-66 + rem: All I want is a straight answer. Are you actually freaked out, or are you playing into a gender role? Especially since I know that both of you have sisters.

Well, I don't think that really changes things, unless they run around ranting about their...menstrual cycles.
ugh, my sisters leave their tampons all over the bathroom and thier bloody underwear too. It's awful. Hopefully I'll never live with them.

Yes! I am freaked out! No I don't know why, nor do I care to think about it. It's just yucky.

btw, I am MAD here. Why do I called out when I've carefully stayed away from the whole mess.
Haha. If "OMG cramps of death" is TMI, I'd hate for these guys to listen to me complain about *my* period.

(Hi, just surfing from rem's blog.)
Haha. If "OMG cramps of death" is TMI, I'd hate for these guys to listen to me complain about *my* period.

(Hi, just surfing from rem's blog.)
bloody underwear??!? ewwwww thats being messy and just plain wrong!! dont judge us all on that, I certainly do not do that!
it IS a gross topic though, as a friend once said, "anything that bleeds for a week and doesnt die is just weird"
I prefer not to have to ponder bleeding, bloating, or any other physical maladies that come as a result of one's period. The whole idea is a tad unsettling, and that's before even considering that those things can also lead to a reduction in sexual activity - no fun either.

I'd just rather avoid it in total.
Yes! I come in, and there's bunch of comments!

robert: I wasn't just calling you out, I was calling out everyone! But esp you and i-66, because you guys commented. RE your sis...yeah...that's not nice. I definitely take care to dispose of everything properly. I'm not going to claim that I've never ever forgotten in my 11 years of yuckiness, though.

Amanda: Yay! let's be blog friends. I'll be sure to read your stuff.

Tans: I know!!! WTF?

i-66: we would too. Unfortunately, it comes around every month (or, if you're really lucky, every three weeks), causing discomfort AND (what REALLY gets me) having to pay ridiculously inflated prices for "toiletries" to handle it. I can't help but think it's all worth it for a baby, though.

(look, we're raised to be martyrs!)

but after all this ridiculousness, and it turns out I'm infertile? HELL IS GOING TO BE RAISED!
Yeah, the added cost does blow. You have my sympathies on that, and I guess the other parts too.

What's TMI? Take Men Inside? I'm surprised I've been on the internet this often and not heard it.
Rem: hahahaha


"Too Much Information"
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