Thursday, September 07, 2006



I heard you say "bye" but I didn't know you were leaving...I turned around to say "hi" and you were already passing by - I saw your black bag flying out behind you, and I thought "oooh. Nice bag!" Oh, and I really liked your green shirt/sweater thing today. Just thought you should know.

We're going to miss you. There's no denying that you were undervalued.

Sometimes life gives you lemons...and they're just miserable lemons, and there's no point in saying "oh, make lemonade! it will be tasty!"

This is pretty much a miserable lemon. And since you're in the middle of the miserable lemon-ness, I'm taking it upon myself to suggest awesome new jobs that will blow this old one in the dust.

1) Go to France and teach English. Or, you know, just go to France and do what you want to do there for work. I think you'd be fantastic. And you'd show them that Americans are good people.

2) Get your PhD. Dr. Claudia. Not bad. Not bad at all.

3) Style reporter/editor for a newspaper. You know about culture (french background, cough cough), you are knowledgable and up-to-date on what's going on...and you'd meet tons of interesting people + probably travel!

4) Your dream job.

People - step up here. What's your dream job?

Claud- we'll miss you. And I'll miss your interesting take on things, and the way you challenged people to think about what they say or do. Best of luck with things in the future.

Right now, and I do mean right now, I could go for teaching European History and Introduction to Journalism at some high school. It would be a good gig as I could take the summers off to follow the baseball season or better my education. Maybe pick up a law degree.
I've always thought I'd be a great host for BET's Hip-Hop Countdown.

If that doesn't work out, maybe I'll be an architect.
rem: that sounds delightful! and I love your phrasing "pick up a law degree" :-)

jc: I don't know if you're joking, but I think you'd be a pretty swell DJ!
Claudia, the office feels so much emptier without you. Unfortunately, now I have to deal with Jamie on my own. Someone give me a gun. Hope you're doing OK. And my dream job is Anthony Bourdain, world traveler and chef. Can't go wrong.
I hate lemons like that...
if Claudia wants to come to France, I'm sure she'll love it :)
let me know!
tony: well said.

mona: I'll definitely let you know if I hear anything!!
Meg: In between getting my MBA and M.D., of course.
yes, yes, naturally.
you're so sweet, meg! thanks very much for thinking of me in your blog. i just tuned in to your blogs this morning. i'm doing great: mixing translations with teaching -- i was lucky enough to start another job the very next day. good luck with your writing! i think you'll be great. i'll keep up with you through your blog. thanks again, sweet meg. i'll miss you guys, too. but sometimes lemons aren't as sour as you think.
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