Friday, June 02, 2006


Walks Away, Lock Doors

I was just walking the home stretch to work...kind of like a Downtown Crossing area, for you Bostonians.

So, I don't know what I was thinking about, but I was lost in my own world - oh wait, I was thinking that I look tres American today - and I see this guy walking on the sidewalk, towards me. Well, not towards me, but in the opposite direction I was heading, you know?

So he's all sweaty, and big muscles, and has headphones on, is kind of zigzag walking - at one point I think "oh goodness, I hope he doesn't try to hug me!" - just because he was so sweaty and seemed a bit off-balanced, like someone who would hug random strangers on their way to work.

I pass by him, and he looks at me, and leers

"I see you evvvvvvvvvvery day!"

I don't know if he saw my eyes widen like saucers, but if he must have been quite gratifying.

leers Good god, you should have been an English major.
robert: aww! nah. I stink at grammar. As my next comment attests.

bub: thought you'd enjoy it.

bub: yeah, I had a feeling too, but since I'm doing the whole "blogging at work" thing, I've been settling for mediocrity. UGH!

IT should be something like "He leered at me, then said (in a true creepy fashion),..."
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